To improve your golf game, you may need to buy new equipment, invest in some lessons with a teaching pro or simply put in more practice time. But golf does offer one quick and easy way to compete with superior players on a nearly equal basis – the handicap system. Once you’ve established a handicap through the United States Golf Association, you can compete head-to-head with the best golfers around and have a fighting chance to win.
To improve your golf game, you may need to buy new equipment, invest in some lessons with a teaching pro or
GolfPal said on December 21, 2012
Ut hendrerit venenatis velit, at semper nibh commodo eget. Suspendisse tempor ullamcorper neque, a iaculis neque mattis vel. Proin sit amet vestibulum tortor. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ut quam risus, tempus porttitor nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pretium massa congue velit vestibulum pretium. Nam quis metus eget eros ultricies euismod in ac odio.